CVRM invites you to be a CVRM Business Angel!


The Mission currently provides over 175,000 meals each year to hungry men, women and children in the Coachella Valley. In addition, the Mission will provide over 59,800 nights of safe shelter this year. CVRM remains committed to helping in these ways, as it is the only emergency shelter between Riverside and the AZ border.

As a local business, you have the opportunity to give back to the needy in our local community and involve your business with the Coachella Valley Rescue Mission.

CVRM Business Angels are invited to underwrite the meals for people that are hungry and hurting.


  • Right to use CVRM logo in your business promotions and advertise your company as a Business Angel
  • CVRM will place a poster with your name and logo in our glass case in the dining room
  • Name listed on CVRM Web site
  • Name included in press release to the local media
  • Option to come to the meal to have pictures taken


  • One day: $500
  • One week: $3,500
  • Month Long: $15,000
  • Thanksgiving Day, November 24th: $5,000
  • Christmas Eve Day: $5,000
  • Christmas Day: $5,000
  • Good Friday, April 6th: $5,000
  • Easter Day, April 8th: $5,000

Reserve your Business Angel Day position today before they are all taken! Connect your business today with the Rescue Mission and help the hungry.

Thank you for your friendship and God Bless!

For more information about becoming a Business Angel, please call Scott Wolf @ 760-347-3512 Ext. 239 or send him an email at